Lipid Laden Macrophages (Oil Red O)

Performing Laboratory
University of Vermont Medical Center: Cytology
Specimen Requirements
Bronchioalvealor Lavage (BAL), unfixed or Bronchial Wash
Container |
Specimen |
Temperature |
Collect Vol |
Submit Vol |
Minimum Vol |
Sterile Container | Bronchial Wash (BAL) |
Refrigerate |
1 mL | 1 mL | 1 mL |
Reference Dept Information
Reference Technologist, Please complete a UVMMC paper requisition UVM Surgical Pathology/Non-GYN Cytology Requisition:
Complete the following:
- Patient Information or utilize a patient registration label
- Select "Bill Insurance"
- Collection time/date
- Fax to: 802.747.6525
- ICD10 Diagnosis codes
- Under Non-GYN cytology testing, check the BAL box and write either next to the “Special request on BAL” section or next to it in the ‘other’ section "Lipid Laden Macrophages" and Primary ID "LLMACRO"
Include a Patient Demographic sheet when submitting to UVMMC's lab.
Place copy of lab requisition in Pathology Coordinator's mailbox