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RhoGAM, Postpartum, Blood


To confirm the Rh negative status of the Mother an ABO and Rh type is required prior to issuing Rhogam.  In addition, a fetal hemoglobin test is done to determine whether more than one dose of Rhogam is needed.

Performing Laboratory

Rutland Regional Medical Center Laboratory

Specimen Requirements

Specimen Type: Blood

Container/Tube: Pink EDTA K2 or Red top tube
Specimen Volume: Full tube

Specimen Minimum Volume: 5 mL

Collection Instructions:

This test can only be collected by specially trained members of RRMC.  For more information, contact the Blood Bank at 802-747-1809.

Specimen Transport Temperature


Reference Values

Rhogam Post Natal is given if the following criteria are met: an Rh-negative Mother with no active Anti-D that has given birth to an Rh positive infant. In instances where the Rh status of the infant is not known a dose of Rhogam is recommended.

Day(s) Performed


Analytical Time:

1 day

Available Stat

Test Classification and CPT Coding

85461-Fetal hemoglobin, Rosette


86901-Rh type